
I am an assistant professor the Department of Economics Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich.

My research focuses on the political economy of less-developed countries using modern and historical data. I have worked on the assigning of property rights in the United States, ethnic partitioning in Africa, the political legacy of mass killings in Cambodia and the impact of school reforms in Cambodia.

I work with historical and high resolution spatial data, some digitized for the first time specifically for the projects you find below.


Call for Papers

„Microdata in Economic History: Beyond the Full-Count Census”

Workshop, November 29/30, at CES Munich

Application deadline: August 15, 2024

Empirical research in economic history is increasingly dependent on granular data at the individual, family, and firm levels. Supported by international transcription and harmonization initiatives such as IPUMS and HISCO, the past decade has witnessed significant advances leveraging microdata from historical full-count population and business censuses. These efforts have illuminated areas such as inter-generational socioeconomic mobility, industry location patterns, and migration decisions, among others. Yet, beyond a few Western high-income nations, detailed historical census data often remains unavailable, with original sources sometimes completely lost. To overcome these gaps, researchers are turning to alternative microdata sources like vital records, city directories, and business ledgers. These sources, while rich in detail, frequency, and geographic scope, present unique challenges. This workshop aims to unite researchers interested in the practical application of and methodological challenges associated with non-standard historical microdata sources. We invite contributions from scholars at all stages of their academic careers.

To apply, please upload your extended abstract or paper at https://tinyurl.com/microdata2024

[Call for Papers]

Working Papers

State Repression, Exit, and Voice: Living in the shadow of Cambodia's Killing Fields

with Andreas Madestam
[Show/hide abstract] [Latest version] [CEPR WP 18815]
Revision Requested at The Review of Economic Studies

From Couch to Poll: Media Content and the Value of Local Information

with Andrew Dickens
[Show/hide abstract] [Latest version] [CESifo WP 10959]

City Directories as a Source of Historical Microdata: Progress Report

with Davide Cantoni and Matthias Weigand
[Show/hide abstract] [Latest version]


On the other side of the fence: Property rights and productivity in the United States

[Show/hide abstract] [Ungated version]
Journal of the European Economic Association, 21(1): 93-134, 2023.

Female Education and Social Change

with Leonhard Vollmer and Johannes Wimmer
[Show/hide abstract] [Replication File]
Journal of Economic Growth, 29(1): 79-119, 2024.

Who benefits from Free Trade?

[Show/hide abstract] [Replication File]
World Development, 179 (July), 2024.

Work in Progress

Who Benefits from Free Education? Long-Term Evidence from a Policy Experiment in Cambodia

[Show/hide abstract] [Latest version]
with Maria Cheung, Andreas Madestam and Jakob Svensson

A Chicken in Every Pot? The Political Consequences of a Large Wealth Shock in the Western United States

with Jerome Schäfer

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